Strategy and humanism to make change.

Logos - Logic

LPE deconstructs and analyzes the facts and systems of your organization and the global landscape in order to introduce strategies and solutions that work. By synthesizing leading research and trends with your organizations unique needs, LPE helps uncover outcomes beyond simple and linear thinking. That’s because LPE appreciates that we are working against a global backdrop of rapid changes to the planet, among people and nations, and with technologies. Thus it is imperative that sound analysis, futuristic thinking, and solid research and evidence underpins systems, processes, and organizational decisions.

Pathos - Empathy

LPE deeply appreciates that the identity and soul of any organization starts with people. LPE solutions take care not to run counter to the grain and instead ensure your organization’s story is one grown from mutual understanding, transparency, and respect. LPE provides advice with an eye toward the culture, legacy, and vision of an organization. This means helping to create cultures where people are valued, ideas are consistently generating from people of all levels, and commitment to excellence can become a natural (not imposed) standard. Justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion permeate this philosophy that operationalizes anti-racist behaviors, inclusive and pluralistic safe spaces, and humanist respect.

Ethos - Ethics

LPE knows that a healthy organization that can withstand change, criticism, and even resource cuts, but only but when people believe processes are fair, just and equitable, and are hinged to ethical behaviors and ethical people. LPE helps surface tensions borne of people’s experiences and expertise and uses constructive listening and dialogue to bridge divides between strategic intent and lived realities. Pursuing a common strategy is not always easy. This work often requires getting back to basics on what values, ethics, and principles an organization shares, and how those permeate goals and mission. LPE aims to enable more sophisticated strategies and structures that ground ethics as part of the design for future progress.